Friday, October 31, 2008


Thomas has been transitioning from two naps to one nap slowly over the last month. It has been absolutely amazing the last 2 days that both of my kids are napping at the same time. You'd think my house would be clean or I'd be scrapbooking. To tell you the truth, I've haven't done a darn thing and I love it. I'm watching the E! Channel and just relaxing. It feels really good.

Tonight we are going Trick or Treating in Verdi after dinner at a friends house. I hope we have a good time. It's a little cold out. But growing up in Tahoe, I don't really remember a Halloween without snow or crummy weather. Last night we took the kids to a Haunted House. Abbi really wanted to dress up as a poodle. We have this old costume so I put her in that and Thomas in Abbi's old Dalmatian costume. They looked really cute. Tonight she want to be a Princess. That's 3 different costumes. We'll see what she says when she wakes up. Because we all know how fast a 3 year old changes her mind. Happy Trick or Treating!

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